Vivace RF

The Vivace Microneedle RF device is the newest generation of radiofrequency microneedling and is FDA-cleared for your safety. This minimally-invasive treatment stimulates the natural production of collagen and is shown to be effective in alleviating facial wrinkles, fine lines, and tightening and toning the face and neck.

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Combined RF energy and microneedling offers patients the benefits of both techniques and technologies. This combination stimulates collagen growth across multiple skin layers which makes this Vivace device more effective than traditional microneedling. The Vivace provides more precise, sterile, and finer precision than dermal rollers or microneedling pens.

The device delivers radiofrequency energy as heat to the lower dermis layer of skin via tiny needles. The needles and heat create precise microdamage that jumpstarts your body’s cell-regeneration process.

In addition to speeding epidermal cell turnover, this natural healing process remodels your skin’s existing structural proteins—collagen and elastin—and stimulates the production of more.

Over time, skin becomes firmer, plumper, and smoother, with less obvious lines and an improvement in the appearance of scars and pore size.

Microneedling stimulates the growth of collagen and elastin to help the skin stay tight and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.This means that wrinkles and fine lines will fade in the targeted area in the weeks following your treatment.

Microneedling stimulates collagen growth, creating newer and healthier layers of skin. This helps improve skin tone and texture.

Reduced levels of pain and redness helping patients return to normal far faster than traditional microneedling.