Invest in certified pre-owned

Aesthetic Laser Technology

The problem with buying a medical laser for your cosmetics business is that it can cost a lot of money. Also, it can feel a bit like a stab in the dark if you just buy any random device. The trick to cutting initial costs down and maximizing your earning potential is to make an informed purchase.

Know the Type of Machine You Want

There are many different kinds of laser devices. Some are ablative (impact the top layer of skin) and others are non-ablative. Some treat wrinkles, while others are better for hair removal. Still others are better at lessening the appearance of tattoos and scars. It all depends on the machine. You should select a machine that will be capable of performing treatments that your regular clients are most likely to be interested in.

If You’re on a Tight Budget, Consider Renting

Renting a laser machine is the perfect way, at least temporarily, to reconcile your desire to provide laser services with your need to stick to a tight budget. You can choose how often you rent the machine and for how long. You can even rent the services of someone who is trained to run it.

There are several advantages of rental. One is that you can stop or expand your services whenever you want. You can also change your services by simply renting a different laser device. It’s an opportunity to try out several models as well, if you want to figure out which one works best for your business before you buy it. Additionally, there are some companies that will allow you to rent a machine each month with intent to own after a certain number of monthly installments. That would keep your initial costs down and allow you to have improved profits each month.

Used Laser Devices Can Save You Money

If you definitely want to buy a machine instead of renting one, you still have options. You don’t need to spend over $100,000 on a brand new device unless you want to. Instead, you can save a lot of money by purchasing a used device. There are plenty of online vendors who specialize in used medical equipment. Sometimes machines are repossessed or businesses close down. Other times businesses simply change the services that they offer. In any case, there’s nothing wrong with the used machinery. So, why not take advantage of it and save yourself some money in the process?

Know Who Will Repair Your Machinery

One last tip to help keep your profits up is to know who will repair your machinery if it malfunctions before you ever buy the machine. Make sure there are certified repair technicians who can handle that particular model in your area. That way you will minimize the possibility of having to reschedule or cancel patient appointments in the event that repairs are necessary. The manufacturer or reseller will probably offer repairs while the machine is under warranty, but after that it may be more cost effective to get a third party company to do any necessary repairs, which is why you should look into available repair services ahead of time.